WWF-GEF: Contact

Please feel free to contact the WWF GEF Agency with any questions or inquiries at [email protected] and a team member will respond to you shortly.

Official Correspondence can be addressed to:
Renae Stenhouse 
Executive Coordinator and Vice President of the WWF GEF Agency

Grievance Redress Mechanism Options

For people seeking to submit a grievance related to a WWF GEF Agency-funded project, but do not wish to use the project-level Grievance Redress Mechanism, or the project does not have one, you may use any of the following methods to file a grievance:

WWF GEF Agency Grievance Mechanism

Project-affected communities and other interested stakeholders may raise a grievance at any time to the WWF GEF Agency. A grievance can be filed with the Project Complaints Officer (PCO), a WWF staff member fully independent from the WWF GEF Agency, who is responsible for the WWF Accountability and Grievance Mechanism and who can be reached at:

Email: [email protected]

Mailing address:
Project Complaints Officer Safeguards Complaints,
World Wildlife Fund
1250 24th Street NW
Washington, DC 20037

Complaints may be submitted in the Affected Party’s native language and should include the following information:

  • Complainant’s name and contact information;
  • If not filed directly by the complainant, proof that those representing the affected people have
  • authority to do so;
  • The specific project or program of concern;
  • The harm that is or may be resulting from the project;
  • The relevant Environmental and Social Safeguards policy or provision (if known);
  • Any other relevant information or documents;
  • Any actions taken so far to resolve the problem, including contacting WWF;
  • Proposed solutions; and
  • Whether confidentiality is requested (stating reasons).

The PCO will respond within 10 business days of receipt, and claims will be filed and included in project monitoring.

Third Party Grievance Redress Mechanism

WWF also has two independent, third party grievance reporting mechanisms which are open for all staff, partners, communities, and other stakeholders to report suspected illegal or inappropriate activity, or concerns about the implementation of WWF projects, including issues relating to rights as embodied in our Environment and Social Safeguards Framework. These mechanisms can receive reports online or by phone in multiple languages.

If the GEF project you wish to file a grievance against is located in one of the following countries, please use the Ethics Point website, located here: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/59041/index.html

Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Namibia, Nepal, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, USA