Building National Capacities of Nepal to meet requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement
Although, Nepal’s contribution to global Green House Gas (GHG) emissions is very low it is highly susceptible to negative impacts from climate change. An assessment of the impacts of Climate Change on key sectors (agriculture, hydropower and water-induced disasters) estimated that the direct cost of current climate variability and extreme events are equivalent to 1.5 to 2 percent of the annual Gross Domestic product (GDP). With the support of different multilateral funds, Nepal is implementing various projects to increase the share of renewable energy and to improve the resilience of the country against climate change. The Building National Capacities of Nepal to meet requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement project was developed in partnership with the Ministry of Forests and Environment and WWF Nepal.
The three-year project is executed by MoFE with support from WWF-Nepal. This project aims "to strengthen capacities to meet the requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and track national progress against priority actions identified in Nepal’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)". The project has four components; Component 1: Strengthening national institutions for climate transparency-related activities in line with national priorities and provisions of Paris Agreement’s ETF, Component 2: Enhancing technical capacity to assess, monitor and report the emissions and removals of GHGs, Component 3: Strengthening national capacity to monitor and report on means of implementation and progress of NDCs and Component 4: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Knowledge management.
Country: Nepal
Focal area: Climate Change
Project status: CEO Endorsed
GEF Project ID: 10899
Implementing Agency: WWF-US
Executing Agency: Ministry of Forests and Environment
GEF Project Grant: US$ 1,651,175
Co-financing total: US$ 1,198,141
GEF Agency Fee: US$ 148,606
CEO Endorsement Documents:
Environmental and Social Safeguards Documents: