In 2007, the three nations of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia signed a declaration to protect and sustainably manage an area of the island the three countries share which is referred to as the “Heart of Borneo.”
The Heart of Borneo covers 85,000 square miles of equatorial rain forest and includes some of the most biologically diverse habitats on Earth. These habitats are home to endangered rhinos, elephants, orangutans and many other species.
In honor of this iconic region’s five year anniversary, here are five achievements to celebrate:
Conserving species
In February 2012, a new report on the environmental status of the region found the lowland forests of the Heart of Borneo to be the last stronghold for Bornean elephants, orangutans and rhinos. From 2007-2010, scientists discovered more than 123 new species in the Heart of Borneo. Learn about the species
Working with people
WWF’s approach to assess high conservation value forests in the Heart of Borneo is to work directly with local communities and indigenous peoples. A successful conservation policy must give these communities a stake in protecting the resources they rely upon. Learn more about this work
Expanding sustainable forests
In June 2011, the Forest Stewardship Council certified 75,000 acres of additional sustainably managed forests in Borneo. The certification protects species such as orangutans and Bornean elephants, as well as people’s social and economic needs. Discover how this certification was made possible
Transforming markets
In January 2011, WWF launched the Heart of Borneo Green Business Network. The network of organizations have committed to sustainable business practices to help conserve and sustainably manage the Heart of Borneo. With businesses invested in a green growth economy, everyone in the area benefits. Read more about this accomplishment
Innovative conservation financing
On September 29, 2011, the United States and Indonesian governments signed an agreement that resulted in $28.5 million in funding to protect a large block of forest land in the Heart of Borneo.
View photos of the people and species this agreement will help protect