We are in a different place now. The conservation community is aided in our message, unfortunately, by incontrovertible and direct evidence of what is at stake. Inaction means a planet that becomes increasingly incompatible with the survival of species including our own. Now, what has long been predicted by climate scientists everywhere—droughts, wildfires, heat, storms, melting, erosion, and other changes—are here, in front of us, and cannot be denied.
The IPCC hands it to us all straight. With findings agreed to by the 195 member nations—including the US, Russia, and China—the report removes any lingering doubt that heat-trapping greenhouse gases from human activity have raised average temperatures and will continue to do so, causing specific devastating effects. But it also paints the picture of what is possible if emissions are drastically reduced. There is hope.
That's what galvanizes me every morning. I feel immense gratitude that I have the opportunity to work towards progress, and especially so to be able to do it with my incredible WWF colleagues, partners, and supporters. WWF and other organizations have been raising awareness of these issues for decades. Now the Earth itself has taken the megaphone.
My hope for the future is we look back and see the summer of 2021 as the turning point—the moment when humanity took account of what we are doing and changed course. The hour is late and the clock is ticking, but we know the WWF vision of a world in which people and nature thrive can be achieved. Stay strong and let's keep going.