45%—almost half of all fruits, veggies, and tubers (like potatoes) are wasted each year! Luckily, there’s lots you can do to make them last longer.
For potatoes, store them in a dark place. If they’ve been around awhile, you can cook them up and freeze in portions. You can roast the skins in some salt, pepper, and oil to make your own crunchy snack. If they start to sprout, you can even cut them up and plant them in your yard!
Bananas and apples are some of the most wasted fruits. You can freeze both to use later in baked goods or smoothies. Did you know you can eat the banana peel? You can blend, fry, bake, or boil them. The riper the banana, the sweeter the peel becomes.
It's actually fruits, veggies and tubers.
A whopping 45% of all of the fruits and veggies produced are wasted per year. Over 5 million tons of roots and tubers are tossed in North America alone.
About 20% of meat produced globally is wasted, but that loss carries a hefty price. Did you know it takes about 25 times as much energy to produce a pound of hamburger as a pound of corn? About 20% of all dairy products are lost or wasted each year, while 30% of cereal products are thrown away as well.
Wasting less food begins at the grocery store. Try this motto on for size: “Buy what you need, and eat what you buy.”