Mesoamerican Reef Stories

  • What we learned about coral reefs in 2019

    January 07, 2020

    While most of what we learned about coral reefs in 2019 is grim, there's still hope. In this new decade, we can do quite a bit to protect coral reefs and the wildlife and people that depend on them.

    Gabby Ahmadia, senior marine scientist at WWF, surveys a reef in the Selat Dampier MPA, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
  • Swimming with whale sharks near the Mesoamerican Reef

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2018
    Just off the tip of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula near Isla Holbox, the world’s biggest fish, whale sharks, gather in the summer months to feed on plankton. Our mission? To swim with them.
    whaleshark above spring2018
  • Belize ends oil activity in its ocean waters

    January 05, 2018

    Belize, home of the largest barrier reef in the western hemisphere, permanently suspended oil activity in its ocean waters. The legislation marks the first time that a developing country has taken such a major step to protect its oceans—and all the life within—from oil exploration and extraction.

    A ray swimming in Belize
  • Making the financial case for protecting Belize’s barrier reef

    October 18, 2017

    A first-of-its-kind report, released in collaboration with our partners in the region, warns that Belize stands to lose millions in revenue generated by one sector alone if protections for the reef aren’t put in place and enforced.

    bottlenose dolphin swimming in Belize
  • A new plan to save Belize's livelihood-giving reef and coasts

    July 27, 2017

    The coastal nation of Belize is at a crossroads. In 2009, the reef system was added to UNESCO’s List of World Heritage in Danger. It remains on the list today because of mangrove deforestation, unsustainable coastal development and offshore oil exploration. The good news is a coastal zone management plan can safeguard Belize’s natural assets and produce a win-win opportunity for the people and environment.

    Fish in the ocean in Belize.
  • Belize fails to implement promised protections for the Belize Barrier Reef World Heritage site

    June 27, 2017

    The government of Belize has not put into place promised protections for the Belize Barrier Reef World Heritage site, leaving the largest barrier reef in the western hemisphere under threat from offshore oil drilling and damaging coastal construction, according to a new WWF assessment.

    Construction in Belize's barrier reef
  • Working together to save World Heritage Sites

    April 18, 2017

    On World Heritage Day, we’re highlighting some of the incredible sites that WWF is working to save. These sites belong to all of us, and together we can protect them for wildlife and people around the world.

    Green turtles in the ocean.
  • A new way to predict and prevent the end of coral reefs

    January 05, 2017

    For the first time, researchers have created models to predict when, where, and to what extent coral bleaching will occur in reefs around the world at a finer scale than ever before.

    coral bleaching
  • Saving Belize’s magnificent and endangered barrier reef

    The coral reefs and coastal mangroves of Belize are necessary for both the wildlife that live there and the people who rely on it for income and protection. Help us save this threatened World Heritage site.

    Belize barrier reef
  • Agua Dulce

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2014
    Renewing freshwater resources and strengthening livelihoods around the Mesoamerican Reef
    A Landscape in Honduras