Science Stories

  • Citizen Scientists Saving Snow Leopards

    July 15, 2014

    WWF has found a way to protect the snow leopard while also benefiting nomadic herders. As part of the USAID-funded Conservation and Adaptation in Asia’s High Mountain Landscapes and Communities (AHM) project, local herders like Byambatsooj are now being trained and equipped to collect basic data on the remote mountains they know better than anyone else.

    camera trap set up
  • Protecting the Amazon for life

    May 21, 2014

    A model for conservation, the Amazon Region Protected Areas ensures 150 million acres—three times the size of all US parks combined—of the Amazon are protected for life.

  • Dance-Worthy Statistics

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2014
    WWF’s Louise Glew on the social impacts of conservation
    glew portrait