Safeguards Resources

Safeguards Accountability and Grievance Mechanism

World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (WWF) has established this online and phone mechanism hosted by a third-party provider, EthicsPoint, as an accessible channel for staff, partners, communities, and other stakeholders to report suspected illegal or inappropriate activity, or concerns about the implementation of WWF projects, including issues relating to rights as embodied in our Environment and Social Safeguards Framework. This mechanism can receive reports online or by phone in multiple languages. You can read more or make a report here

The purpose of the WWF-US Safeguards Resource Page is to provide information on WWF-US Safeguards Integrated Policies and Procedures (SIPP) which includes Policy on Environment and Social Assessment; Policy on Protection of Natural Habitats; Policy on Involuntary Resettlement Policy on Indigenous People; Standard on Pest Management; Policy on Accountability and Grievance Systems; Standard on Physical Cultural Resources; and Guidance Note on Dams and Dam Safety. The SIPP is mandatory to all Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility financed projects. Although it’s not mandatory, the SIPP serves as standards for all WWF-US’s projects and is already being applied to projects outside the GCF and GEF portfolios.

Global Environment Facility Projects

Adaptive Management and Learning Project (Component on Global Impacts Platform)

Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of two priority landscapes in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region

Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture

Building National Capacities of Nepal to meet requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement

Collaborative National Planning for an Inclusive and Effective Conservation Approach to reaching Global Biodiversity Framework Target 3

Collaborative platform for African nature-based tourism enterprises, conservation areas and local communities – a response to COVID-19

Conservation of Big Cats in the Russian Federation

Coral Reef Rescue: Resilient Reefs, Resilient Communities

Danube River Basin Hydromorphology and River Restoration (DYNA)

Eco-system Approach to Fisheries Managament (EAFM) in Eastern Indonesia (Fisheries Management Area (FMA) – 715, 717 & 718)

Establishing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

Expanding and Consolidating Madagascar's Marine Protected Areas Network

Financial tools for small scale fishers in Melanesia

Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes

Generate Responsible Demand for Reduced Deforestation Commodities

Improving Mangrove Conservation Across The Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS)

Integrated Landscape Management to Secure Nepal's Protected Areas and Critical Corridors

Integrated Management of Cameroon’s Forest Landscapes in the Congo Basin

Integrated Ridge to Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR2R)

Investment Readiness for the Landscape Resilience Fund

Lake Naivasha Ecosystem Based Management

Land Degradation Neutrality Fund Technical Assistance Facility

Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation in the tourism sector of the protected areas and strategic ecosystems of San Andres, Old Providence and Santa Catalina islands

Managing Watersheds for Enhanced Resilience of Communities to Climate Change in Nepal (MaWRiN)

Securing a Living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Southern Guyana

Promoting Dryland Sustainable Landscapes and Biodiversity Conservation in The Eastern Steppe of Mongolia

Securing the Future of Peru’s National Protected Areas

Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030

Strengthening conservation and resilience of globally significant wild cat landscapes through a focus on small cat and leopard conservation

Sustainable Land Management in the Churia Range, Nepal

Sustainable Luangwa: Securing Luangwa’s water resources for shared socioeconomic and environmental benefits through integrated catchment management

Green Climate Fund Projects

Bhutan for Life

Heritage Colombia (HECO): Maximizing the contributions of sustainably managed landscapes in Colombia for achievement of climate goals

Peru’s Natural Legacy – Amazon Climate (PdP-AC)

Recharge Pakistan-Building Pakistan’s Resilience to Climate Change through Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for Integrated Flood Risk Management