Increased Commitment To Eliminate Jaguar Poaching, Trafficking, and Online Trade

A new series of decisions were approved by the Parties at CITES CoP19 aimed at eliminating jaguar poaching, trafficking, and on-line trade. The decisions call for enhanced stakeholder engagement and collaboration, the establishment of conservation corridors, strengthened cooperation mechanisms, increased investments into the conservation of the jaguar, including its habitat, and raising awareness about the importance of this apex predator, its ecological role, and the threats it faces.

Additionally, a meeting of jaguar range States to identify opportunities for regional cooperation and resource mobilization will be convened, and a long-term system for monitoring illegal killing and trade of jaguars and other key aspects related to jaguar conservation will be established.

“WWF commends Parties for the adoption of these decisions and is ready to support governments, stakeholders, and local communities towards an effective implementation, and to strengthen jaguar’s conservation efforts,” said Sandra Petrone, Coordinator of Terrestrial Priority Species from WWF Mexico.