The way in which we produce and consume food—the food system—is pushing our planet to the brink. This global system is a major driver of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions and the loss of habitats and wildlife.
We need a food system that conserves and restores nature while ensuring there is enough to feed current and future generations, nutritiously. Achieving this will take a transformation across the board, from fishing boats to crop fields, farm to market, kitchen to landfill.
Luckily, there’s something each of us can do, something we already do several times a day. Adopt a diet that’s good for your health and for nature.
WWF believes we need to shift to planet-based diets to help people understand the health and environmental impact of their diets. And yes, you read that right: a ‘Planet-Based Diet’ is one that is high in human health benefits and low in environmental impacts. Shifting our eating patterns can help us reverse nature loss, halt deforestation and conversion of other habitats like grasslands, reduce water use and pollution, and fight climate change.
Around the world, or even across the street, everyone’s diet looks different. It depends on our bodies, our budgets, our cultures, our geography, our seasons, what’s available or accessible.
Here are five ways you can think about eating for our planet: